Dear Gehring Orthodontics patients and families,
Per the direction of Governor Reynolds, our temporary office closure has been extended through May 15, 2020. During this time, Dr. Gehring will continue to provide emergency care as needed on a case-by-case basis. All patients with orthodontic emergencies are advised to call us at (319) 378-3333.
Gehring Orthodontics tentatively plans to reopen on Monday, May 18, 2020, however this will remain subject to change pending how this situation evolves.
We will be canceling all appointments through May 15th, with the intent to reschedule as a definite re-open date is officially communicated. Once confirmed, we will begin rescheduling all patients with appointments that were canceled. If you do not hear from us regarding your appointment, please feel free to contact us at (319) 378-3333.
We have heard from many of you with concerns about appointments being delayed for an excessive period of time, and we agree. Orthodontic appointments are quite different from most other routine dental visits. With continued accommodations to maintain personal protection and social distancing, most routine orthodontic procedures are low risk and can be accomplished in a manner that is safe for the patient and our team.
The orthodontists in our state have been in frequent contact with the Governor’s office and the Iowa Dental Board requesting that we be permitted to see patients with overdue appointments. Allowing unmonitored orthodontic tooth movement to continue is not in the best interest of the health and safety of our patients. If you are a patient or parent who shares these concerns, please consider making your opinion known by contacting the Governor and Iowa Dental Board. The Governor’s office number is (515) 281-5211, choose option 6. The Iowa Dental Board’s number is (515) 281-5157. Thank you for your assistance and understanding.